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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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Another user answered this:
> Capping the frame rate with RivaTuner lowered it to under 3%.

You can also wait for version 2.0a, which will fix more stuff like linux version issues and memory leak issues.

Same here. Still on 1.4 although it doesn't close correctly right now for some reason. Well, better not closing than not opening.

If 2.0 is anything like 1.4, you're trying to load a whole avatar. To add your pngs to it, you have to click on the states themselves, then on which part of it you'll use (open/closed eyes/mouth) and that should open a window for you to load your image. If that doesn't work, then try clicking the pencil to edit its properties.

That's the neat part: You don't! The old version works still, and a lot of people are having some issues with the new version, independent of OS. It'll come around, but it's not something you should worry about instantly.

I was about to suggest to build it versionless if possible, but that works too.

Oh no... I can't run the new version. My Linux is probably too old for that. The good news is that by the end of the month I should be able to make a new install of my OS (been meaning to anyway) and it should work then.
To linux users, if you run into the following error, your OS is probably too old as well. Don't try updating this, things are going to break badly.

./veadotube_mini: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.38' not found (required by ./veadotube_mini)

It makes me feel like there's on-foot gameplay, like no man's sky. There isn't, right? This is just ships, right?

I'm gonna get the demo anyway, but I need more all-terrain space games, with on foot, small vehicle/mech suits, fighter and utility ships, and motherships. No Man's Sky and Starbound are peak space game for me, and I need more in that vein.

I have to say, the dogfighting and ship designs look great tho, and this runs on potato pcs (from the steam specs) and on linux too. That's good stuff right there.

I believe this is because the program/game listens to your keyboard/mic input constantly. It is safe, something similar was reported in the past.

It's certainly something on your end, unfortunately. I'm on Kubuntu 22.04 and use it daily. Make sure everything is up to date on your system, and if possible try in another one.

Wait, you're using C#? Godot supports that! You can probably port Veado easily to it!

Focus on PROBABLY. But considering it's a smaller scope project, it shouldn't be that painful to adapt it.

Someone made another png avatar app based on godot. They have some interesting stuff (and proper linux transparency support <3 ) but there's a lot of weird stuff in it and only one sample. I really like Veado better and am planning to properly support mini with a purchase since the full version isn't out yet. I just like the things you did better.

Y'all can't mark it up as exception on windows defender BEFOREHAND? Not that it was an issue here, running linux.

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Didn't the video show that this is already in (change sprite during animation)

I agree with the use of animated files tho. Gif, apng or webm, anything that can add a bit of extra to the model. I have to say tho that the transparency works flawlessly on Linux, and I was missing that from the other one.

I'm not sure HOW I could use it tho... Been using another one and I kinda like the restrictions, but this kinda does what that one is planning to do in the future.

Now I have to decide if I'll use this, if I'll keep using the old one, if I'm going to do it MANUALLY via OBS, or if I just go full 3D. what have you done to my amphibian brain???

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Wait, I thought this had a demo because of SAGE :c

It was unfortunately/fortunately cheaper to buy the game bundled with DLC on Steam. One of the few games worth buying twice for compatibility (not like I paid much for the first one anyway)

Ai mel  delz, elas são colegas de quarto <3 

Assim que puder eu vou jogar, talvez em live kkkkk

You just execute the .exe file? Or are you using another OS? IT just opens instantly with the mascot as an example avatar.

Late response too, but I ended up buying the game again on steam because it plus the DLC at a discount would be cheaper than getting the DLC here on itch io. Mostly because Steam has regional prices for me, while Itch doesn't.

Not complaining tho. I'm having a blast.

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The game is great, so I'm obviously looking into it, but... Can I purchase ONLY the DLC from GOG? 

I mean, both versions are drm-free, and I got this one from a bundle, but the prices differ a lot since GOG has support for my local currency and Itch doesn't. I wonder if I buy it there, download and do a manual install, it could work? Just want a confirmation before I do dumb stuff.
(there's also the Manlea DLC there that just made me ROFL xD)

Doesn't seem like it, since I don't have the game on GOG, I can't purchase the DLC. Now that's annoying.

The game is great, so I'm obviously looking into it, but... Can I purchase ONLY the DLC from GOG? 

I mean, both versions are drm-free, and I got this one from a bundle, but the prices differ a lot since GOG has support for my local currency and Itch doesn't. I wonder if I buy it there, download and do a manual install, it could work? Just want a confirmation before I do dumb stuff.

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I want to support this project some more, but I'm so broke

You need to adjust how well the green screen filter is working on your avatar. Might need to up it a little more.
Other than that and maybe cleaning your image, there isn't much more we can do when this happens.

Not anymore, I guess. LOL

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oh no...
local hosting is a nightmare in my country for some reason. The game looks super interesting, but maaaaan
edit: I had to switch to playing it on windows when doing multiplayer, but IT IS SO WORTH IT
Gotta find a way to do easy multiplayer on linux and I'm set.

Then why not switch to Linux in the first place?? With proton and wine, probably more games work on linux than on macos nowadays.

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I have a question for linux users. Has anyone tried using the obs-vkcapture plugin with Veadotube?
It seems the transparency option in veadotube only works with the game capture option in OBS, but that's not available in the Linux version of OBS. Technically, that plugin fixes that. I wasn't able to install it yet.
(Obviously I can use it with green chroma key and it works fine, but I wanted to try that just to see how much I can make use of transparency in it)

Your computer issue is having windows on an older pc. Get a manjaro on it and have fun :>

What do you mean linux servers??? This thing runs locally!

I gueeeess a stream deck would help with that, but yeah, I get the whole thing with the ui appearing during stream if you put the mouse over the window. Also, I had a few minor problems with hotkeys too, but nothing too bad considering I'm doing what I can in Linux, and we know how bad it is to do game-related stuff in linux without a partner pc to help with the streaming. The program lockups are a pain.

Again, nothing happening with VeTu, it's still a beta that could and hopefully will improve.

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I couldn't even run the HTML5 version on my browsers under Linux. Does this only run on Chrome, or is it only working on windows anyway? The windows version does work but it like most games running through wine lock up if I alt-tab, which isn't optimal, but that's on me I guess.

Oh, PLAY on linux. I knew I had to check somewhere why this game isn't running. Thanks for the link, I couldn't open it at ALL.
Their own post about it.
Keep eyes open next month, follow their page.

Can I ask what version of OBS/source option is that?

About transitions between expressions, a wee bit of coding on OBS hotkey commands might do that. You code Veadotube to use some unintrusive hotkeys (which might be kinda hard) and make actual hotkeys on OBS, so that when you press the actual expression, it takes notice of what was last pressed, presses a transition key for half a second, and then the actual expression hotkey. This is a bunch of if/else logic with some time windows between them.
I have no idea how to make macros or hotkeys work on OBS tho, I just know (or think) they exist :v

Hey there, I'm here looking for info on the "transparent" setting and stumbled on your comment. Did you figure things out? If not, here's a few tips:
Choose one of the basic BG colors. It's fine, believe me.

On OBS (or your streaming program of choice) you need to add a new window or game source (Not sure why I can't get a game source from OBS in Linux. eh). Choose Veadotube Mini and add a chroma key filter on it. Adjust the similarity settings as you see fit depending on your avatar colors.

Make sure the avatar source is on top of the actual game source, so it's showing over your game. 

You might need to shrink the avatar down on OBS, just select the source and you can use the highlighted contour to reduce size.

That is weird... What's your OS? Most things should launch right off the itch launcher if your OS is compatible. Some might not launch because they just don't have an executable file, are not compatible, or are just annoying and you NEED to extract and open them manually.

Nope, you're just fine. After the bundle is over, you can navigate to your library and you should see a "bundles" part in there. Click it and you'll see all bundles previously purchased, so you can get whatever you need.

Do they have an itch page?? I can't really follow on twitter.

My only question is, as someone who wants to donate, what happens with the repeated games from the bundle? Do I get an extra itch key that I could give away, or nothing besides the donation? 🤔 Don't get me wrong, I will most likely make the donation because of the reason the bundle exists. 

I just tried to set my avatar and use a hotkey, and it didn't register the keyboard besides ESC.
Went into the troubleshooting page, and it say "do the sudo thing in linux"

... I'm not versed enough in linux to use SUDO with the two files you provided ;w; I'll try to make a launch script and see if that works.